Like any other country,
Thailand has its fair share of con-artists. While studying Thai language in the northern city of
Chiang Mai back in 2008, I had the misfortune of running into this little walking story.
approached me with a smile on his face and a yellowing white hat that
partly covered long black hair. Even though I had only been in Thailand
for one week, I already knew to be wary. I had heard of con-men talking
up cheap diamonds, “attractions” off the beaten path, “very beautiful
girls” and everything in between. Being a young white male, I knew that I
was a big target for these wandering salesmen, but this time I happened
to be too tired to run away. We started with the usual formalities.
“Hello, are you American?
“I love Americans.” He followed this statement with, “Very nice hair.”
a closer look at him, I surmised that this man was a little crazy. His
clothes were ragged and torn in random places and he walked with just a
little too much sway. Still, he had the desperate pleading eyes down
better than anyone I have ever met.
He started his practiced spiel, a masterful actor of his craft, “You come from America, big country. I come from
small country. We are very poor and you are very rich. I need some
money to get back to Burma. Can you please give me something, 50 baht?
100 baht? I need to return home to my family.”
I’d like to say I didn’t give into his charms, but I did. I gave him about three dollars.
Right after he walked away with my baht, a
tuk-tuk driver told me that the man had been collecting money from tourists all afternoon.
the humiliation! I have regretted my small donation ever since.
Especially three weeks later when the same con-man found me walking
around the Chiang Mai moat and tried the scam all over again. I was
obviously indignant. “We have already met,” I told him.
“What?” he said, his eyes spacey and vacant.
“I met you three weeks ago and gave you money for the bus.”
He still didn’t get it, “I am from small coun…”
“I know. You’re from Burma and I’m from big America. You already took my money.”
“Can you give me some money to get home?”
Definitely crazy I thought to myself.
“I’m not giving you money.”
eyes wandered across my face for a moment. I imagined little dusty
calculators running in his head. “Ok friend.” His hand went out as if to
brush me off, and then he was gone. To this day I still don’t know
whether he was truly insane, or whether he was just
that good.
-Ted Gault, former hostel intern