Chicago Arts District Second Fridays Gallery Night
Expanding on its visual art theme, this is a monthly walking tour of about 30 Pilsen spots. The Indie galleries have added performance art and shopping opportunities to its roster of opening receptions. Pick up a map at the information center, located at 1821 S. Halsted St. and check it out every 2nd Friday of the month from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Green City Market
Shop for smaller amounts of fresh produce and also pantry items, such as artisanal cheeses, meats, fish and poultry, apples, root vegetables, baked goods, sauces, fresh pasta and more, from about 25-35 vendors. The market moves inside the museum for the winter months however on April 24th it will be making its move back outdoors! Stop by on April 10 and 24 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Hello Spring
Learn about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) from Harvest Moon Farms and get composting tips from the Urban Worm Girls at this green-themed informational session on April 3 from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Easter Egg Hunt
Looking for a family activity this weekend? Love candy? Join Hyde Park on April 3 at 12:30 a.m. for an Easter Egg Hunt! Riddles lead you through Hyde Park on a search for eggs and includes prizes for the fastest hunters, a picnic and games. Price is $10-$12 per family.
Bicycle Workshop
Get your bicycle out of storage and prepare it for Spring! Swing by the West Town Bikes shop (located in Humboldt Park) for a work session. Repairs are strictly DIY, but an instructor is on hand to help on a first come, first served basis.
Greenheart Shop’s Hello Spring! Open House
Jump into Spring! Join Harvest Moon Farms and the Urban Worm Girls at the Greenheart Shop (located at 1911 W. Division) this Saturday afternoon, April 3, and prepare for a great growing season. Harvest Moon farms will offer information about their wildly popular CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares. During the spring and summer seasons, pick up a weekly box of fresh, organic, locally grown produce from Harvest Moon Farms at the Greenheart Shop--sign up today! The Urban Worm Girls will also be in the shop to show you how to turn all your left-over food scraps into liquid black gold! They'll have one of their sample worm bins at the shop to show you how easy it is to compost with worms.
So grab your light jacket, sunglasses, and walking shoes and enjoy the changing season!
-Erika Ter Louw, HI intern
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