August 9, 2011

The Girl Scouts are in Chicago!

Written by: Krista Baum
Today, while walking in the hostel's kitchen I saw the Girl Scouts starting to get their food ready for their spaghetti dinner tonight at the hostel. I have never interviewed a group of Girl Scouts, and I thought it would be interesting to learn their story.
Girl Scout Troop 42745, a group of 8th grade girls from Oak Park IL, took the "L" train to get to HI-Chicago. They have been to Chicago with their families in the past, but never as a Girl Scout Troop.
This is their first time together as a Girl Scout Troop in Chicago, and staying at a hostel! The girls said that the hostel was "really posh" and that when they have been wandering around, they have heard a lot of British accents. They also enjoy eating with travelers at breakfast, and hope to meet more tonight at their spaghetti dinner.
So why did these ladies decide to visit Chicago?
They came to Chicago to earn their Discover Chicago Girl Scout Badge. To earn this badge these girls have to make their own Chicago tour. Each girl did research on a historic part of Chicago. They researched: The Great Chicago Fire, the Chicago Outfit (Chicago Mob), Buckingham Fountain, Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouts, and her connection to Chicago, the John Hancock Building, and the Chicago Flag. After doing all of their research prior to their Chicago trip, they were finally able to learn about history outside of the books! They saw the John Hancock Building, the Chicago Flag, and tonight they will be going to see Buckingham Fountain and it's fabulous light show.
So would these ladies be interested in traveling again?
Most definitely! They all said that they wanted to travel around the world, and go to places like Russia, Australia, Greece, Switzerland, and many more places.
When I asked them about culture, they said that "Learning about culture is very important, because when you learn about foreign cultures you have a better understanding about their culture, and how it compares and contrasts from your own."

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