June 19, 2012

Traveler Spotlight, Meet Lucas

I sat down with Lucas during a quiet lunch hour while he was taking a break from his busy afternoon. He is taking time off from his life in Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of my “must see” cities, to travel around the U.S. So far, he has been to New York and Washington D.C., and after Chicago, he’s headed west to explore Las Vegas and California. But what has he liked about Chicago so far? 
He has really enjoyed biking around the city, especially along the lakefront. He loves the backdrop of the skyline and thinks that Chicago is really beautiful (he even said that he likes it much more than New York!). As for our hostel, he thinks “it is the best hostel EVER”. Considering that he has traveled all around the world, that’s really saying something! He has enjoyed how clean and spacious the hostel is for its guests, and the many “tips” that we provide for travelers. Tonight, he is taking our advice and will be going to Green Mill jazz club to enjoy some “Chicago music” and see where the famous Al Capone used to pass the time in his heyday. 
¡Espero que todo vaya bien Lucas!
Interviewed by: Intern Maggie Flynn

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